Tuesday 5 February 2013

Crustless Quiche

So off late, I have been wanting to have a delicious quiche. The only problem is, I absolutely dislike the crust. I think its too much breading for a little bit of egg. And what purpose other than making the quiche look like a pie does the crust serve exactly? None! So here I am with my crust-less quiche recipe, for all those people who love the taste of quiche but not the crust. Alternatively, you can make it with a crust but you will have to prepare the crust separately and baking it accordingly.

You will need:

  • 5 large eggs
  • Fresh parsley, chopped
  • Button mushrooms, sliced
  • Half of a large Onion, chopped finely
  • One whole Green pepper
  • Half of a Orange pepper
  • One Jalapeno, chopped finely
  • Bacon, five strips
  • Cheese, grated (I used marble cheese, you can pick whichever you like best)
  • Garlic, 5 cloves (or less, according to taste)
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Garlic powder, to taste
  • Smoked paprika, to taste


Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.
Start off by frying the strips of bacon till they are done. Once the bacon is cooked thoroughly, take it off the pan onto some paper towels and let it drain out the excess fat and then break it up into small bits, leave aside.
Add the sliced mushrooms to the pan with the bacon fat, keeping the stove at a high temperature. Note that mushrooms need to be cooked on a high heat setting with a saline grease like butter to give them the melt in your mouth texture. So we will add a tablespoon of butter to the frying pan with the mushrooms and keep on stirring the mushrooms till they get some colour in them, i.e. when they start to brown, they are ready. At this point we will add the onions, peppers, jalapenos, half of the chopped parsley, and the crushed garlic to the pan. Stir constantly to coat all of the veggies with the grease in the pan. If the mix looks dry add perhaps a teaspoon of olive oil to the mix and stir. Salt and pepper the veggies, and cook till the vegetable actually reduce in quantity.
Take the eggs and a mixing bowl. Add the remaining parsley to the bowl along with the eggs, salt+pepper, garlic powder and paprika. Add a tablespoon of water to this and beat well till all the spices are blended. After cooking the veggies for a good 15 minutes you will notice that they are much smaller in quantity. Now take a deep baking friendly dish (I use an 8" square dish), and grease the sides and the bottom of the dish with oil. Remove the veggies from the frying pan, into the baking dish and layer the bottom completely with the veggies and make it even. Then cover the top of the veggies with the shredded cheese. I put a hefty layer on top, because why not! Now pour the egg mix on top of the cheese. You will notice that the parsley remains on top of the cheese giving it a nice look, while the eggs swim to the bottom of the pan, settling with the veggies.
Bake it on 350 F for 20 minutes.

Crust-less Quiche

Tuesday 29 January 2013

Did you say... Nachos?

Here's what you will need:

  • Red/ Green/ Yellow peppers: 1/2  for each; finely diced.
  • Jalapenos: 2 or 3 (as per taste); finely diced.
  • Bag of chips (I chose Tostitos Restaurant style Triangle corn chips).
  • Fake beef: 1/2 pack of Yves Meatless Ground Original.
  • Onions: 1/2; finely chopped.
  • Cheese: finely grated; I used Marble cheese.
  • Worcestershire Sauce: a tbsp
  •  Garlic powder: according to taste
  • Red chili flakes: according to taste
  • Frank's Red Hot Sauce: according to taste
Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.
To make the fake beef ready, we will first warm up a frying pan and grease it with some olive oil. Once the pan is warm enough, add the veggie beef and the finely chopped onions. Add all the spices, the Worcestershire sauce, garlic powder, red chili flakes, and the hot sauce, to the beef and fry till the onions start to look cooked.
Leave this mix in the pan on low heat to simmer (do not let it burn, however).

Next you will need a baking friendly deep dish. Layer the bottom of the dish with the chips and spread some of the cheese very lightly on it. Microwave this for about 15 seconds on low power, just so the cheese melts, we are simply creating a base here. Then spread the beef and veggies modestly all over. Make sure you DO NOT use all of the material since you are just barely starting to create the multiple layers of deliciousness!

Now you will layer the tray with another layer of chips, then cheese topped with beef and veggies and continue to layer with chips, beef, veggies and cheese and in that order till all the veggies and beef are run out.
After the top layer is done, sprinkle the last of the remaining cheese on the top layer and bake the dish for 6 to 8 minutes or till the cheese is completely melted.
Serve with guacamole, sour cream, and salsa.


Lehsuni Gobi - Garlicky cauliflower

Lehsuni gobi is one of those recipes that I've always loved making and having when I want something close to my heart. Ingredients: On...

"Pick of the week"